The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker Review
When I searched Christian Science Fiction, I had no idea this book by this author would pop up. The last name is what caught my eye, but the first name is what left me intrigued. Who was this girl? Was she a relative of Ted Dekker?
On Amazon, they give you a sneek peak into this novel. I was completely sucked in, just by that! I told my husband, I had to get this book, but I needed a B&N coupon first. Well, I couldn’t even wait for that. Last Friday I made an excuse to go the store and bought this one…full price and everything! Anyone who knows me, knows this is a rarity.
Rachelle, has an amazing talent of world building. I felt like I was in the novel more than handful of times. The way she describes the characters lets you see them, feel them and even become them. She has a way of making each chapter a page turner and must read.
With the different POV’s, and angles in this story, I would highly recommend to anyone that loves fiction novels, Christians and others, to try this one out! I can’t wait for The Calling next month!
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