Christmas in Winter Hill by Melody Carlson Published by Fleming H. Revell Company This was such a sweet story that gave me all the Hallmark Christmas vibes! I loved the main character Krista as she seemed very real and relatable. She comes from a dysfunctional background but has persevered through it in order to provide a successful future for her and her daughter. Also, she isn’t afraid to stand on her own two feet and I admire that in a female protagonist. I felt that she real life comments and advice to offer her daughter which I can relate to as a mother of a 12 year old. The description of Christmasville was festive and cheerful. I love reading about small towns that celebrate together. I come from a suburban area and we only wave hi and bye to our neighbors. I do wish the story would have been longer. At times the plot felt driven too quickly and the romance was very rushed, especially considering the ...